Natural and man-made disasters strike all countries and examining how emergency management services, land managers and communities prepared, responded to and assisted with recovery is vital to developing evidence-based policy and practice for the future.
Hence, the AFAC 2014 conference was designed to bring together and share the combined wisdom of experience, research and analysis from across the sector to enable a deeper understanding of the approaches needed to secure the region’s future and prosperity.
The CRC was launched at Parliament House Canberra by the Minister for Justice, the Hon Michael Keenan and he said that theBushfire and Natural Hazards CRCacknowledged the ongoing impacts of natural hazards upon communities, emergency service providers, governments, agriculture and other industries.
During this conference, NEANN drawn a prize winner of ourNEANN Firefighter First Aid Kitwhich was donated to theBushfire and Natural Hazards CRC.