EnvironFrei—Demand It!
In our endeavors to continually improve on what we do, and what we deliver, we at RAPP Australia believed that using a lead based PVC material was not in the best interests of both our customers and indeed the planet. We felt a responsibility to take steps and make changes to improve the products we were currently producing. We embarked on a journey of discovery to deliver a better solution to this very real issue. Developing a material that is inline with our ethos of delivering Effective, Reliable and Safe to Use products, presented many issues, none more important than the relationship between: the functionality, the user and the environment!
With this focus front of mind we have successfully developed what is now known as EnvironFrei. This revolutionary material is free from hazardous elements, delivers a strong fabric that minimizes the chance of cross-contamination. It also prevents dangerous chemicals remaining on the surface which, could in turn be absorbed into your skin.
The introduction of EnvironFrei has been greatly received and the uptake has been quick. Essentially we achieved our goal by developing a product that has proven to be durable, effective in protecting the user, and environmentally sensitive – in addition to looking great!
EnvironFrei has been independently tested, confirming its superiority to common place materials ensuring a stronger, longer lasting and more durable product.